For a second Sunday in a row, We’ve been spoiled with some significant swnowfall. Gotta love it. 19 cm of fresh new white fluff accumulated overnight, playing in it was fun this morning.

Warming up the legs with a “green trail”, 4 KM, on the Orford side. There is a young one ready to attack.

It was in superb shape today, obviously popular…

Some of the trails were left “ungroomed” a few snowy and soft bumps to mix things up.

It was quite a crazy day today weatherwise, snowy pretty much all day, save for a couple of cloudy breaks. A pleasant minus -5, and surely an additional 3-5 cm, in not a little more fell on the hill, not counting a few “flash storms” feeling like in a blizzard. As a result, you can now ski, ride, have fun, on 29 trails on 3 sides.

Staying on the Orford side, the Maxi, more challenging, left ungroomed as well.

Some more trails to come as the snow is, finally !, accumulating.  They were making some more on the Grande Coulée trail, should open pretty soon.

Why not take the opportunity to try out some new gear. Atomic offered to test some of their skis. With the little affluence at Orford today, there was plenty of choice, and, with little if not any waiting at the lifts, one could surely take full advantage. I did 😉 !

The Atomic demo team will be heading to other mountains in the next weeks. Check right here on Ski Presse for dates and places.

A trip back to the Giroux side for another challenging run in the Magnum. Pretty much no one in sight so …Time to “crank up the volume”. And some more, it was my “trail of the day”, recently made accessible, great conditions. Needless to say, I paid it a visit several times.

Cooling down time, with chill runs on the Alfred Desrochers side.

Did I say there were some “flash storms” today ? See for yourselves.

Tomorrw should mark a return to more calm weather. Traces of snow, little accumulation expected, and a pleasant minus – 6 degrees at the thermometer.

Don’t miss celebrations of winter here at Mt. Orford on January 27th, when several manufacturers will offer testing of their products, animation and tasting of food and various local and “micro berewery” beers.

Cheers !