Waking up Monday morning and seeing the freezing rain outside made me doubt my decision to go skiing that day… Though the weather changed in no time and we quickly got our gear ready and headed off to Bromont, Montagnes d’expériences. Seeing all the snow accumulation outside just put a huge smile on my face.

Our initial idea was to go try out the alpine trails though once arrived at the hill, customer service informed us that the trails were closed due to lack of snow. I have to admit we had high hopes…

We had lots of fun hitting the slopes and that even with the weather constantly changing. Every time we arrived at the summit, new weather conditions awaited.  From hail, fog, freezing rain to snow. We continually had to remove the ice that had accumulated on our goggles. Though nothing was stopping us from enjoying the outdoors, not even the freezing rain pinching our faces.

We weren’t the only ones taking advantage of the new snowfall, the hill was packed with skiers and boarders. With the waiting time to getting on the chair lift averaging 30 minutes, we chatted away talking about our upcoming ski trip…

The snow conditions were mixed hard packed base with some granular snow. By staying on the sides, we were able to find some nice loose snow though with a few patches of ice. I’m glad my skis were freshly sharpened.

While we enjoyed a delicious après-ski pizza night, the snow kept on falling. With the 10cm of freshly fallen snow and lost more to come today, it’s the perfect way to end the year in style with perfect conditions! 5 slope sides and more than 60 trails.

Happy New Year!!